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Snow Falling from a Roof

Snow sliding off a roof of a building in Minamiuonuma, Niigata, Japan

When a chunk of snow starts to fall off a roof here in the snow country of Minamiuonuma, sometimes you can hear a few distinctive sounds.

It often starts with a cracking sound…
Followed by a creaking noise…
Then a sliding noise as the snow slips down the roof…
And finally a thud or splat as the snow hits the ground.

If the chunk of falling snow is big enough and falls with considerable force, you may feel some shaking when the snow hits the ground.

Snow falling from a roof can be very dangerous.

If you are outside around a roof or incline, be aware of your surroundings.

Treat falling snow as if it were an avalanche and exercise due caution to protect yourself.

A short video of snow falling from a roof can be seen on YouTube at ▷

Snow sliding off the roof of a building in Minamiuonuma, Niigata, Japan
Snow sliding off the roof of a building in Minamiuonuma, Niigata, Japan
Posted in Life, Stuff